This is the complete list of members for ee::Exception, including all inherited members.
Exception(std::string caller, std::string message, std::vector< ee::Note > infos, OutputFormat format=OutputFormat::EASY_EXCEPTION_OUTPUT_FORMAT) noexcept | ee::Exception | explicit |
getCaller() const noexcept | ee::Exception | |
getDateOfCreation() const noexcept | ee::Exception | |
getMessage() const noexcept | ee::Exception | |
getNotes() const noexcept | ee::Exception | |
getStacktrace() const noexcept | ee::Exception | |
mCache | ee::Exception | private |
mCaller | ee::Exception | private |
mFormat | ee::Exception | private |
mInfos | ee::Exception | private |
mMessage | ee::Exception | private |
mStacktrace | ee::Exception | private |
mTimepoint | ee::Exception | private |
operator<<(const Note &info) noexcept | ee::Exception | |
update() noexcept | ee::Exception | private |
what() const noexceptoverride | ee::Exception |